
Comments (72)

What do you think?

dis looks fun ima play it

Wow, this looks awesome!

Really good! I'll put it on my wishlist. It's worth getting.

This free demo includes a selection of levels that will challenge your moving house skills.

Do you enjoy the game? Then please consider getting the full experience on Steam!

In a world mildly inconvenienced by a lack of moving companies, you have to move house...

Radical Relocation is an absurd physics-based puzzle game that turns a sleepy neighbourhood into an insane obstacle course! You’ll need flawless planning and nerves of steel to get your belongings from A to B – while they’re stacked and balanced on the roof of your moving vehicle!


Strategically stack your luggage on the roof of your car – but be careful! If it’s not packed securely, it won’t survive the trip!


Follow the map to your new home, but take it easy on those corners! Too fast and you’ll lose everything!


Keep your eyes on the road for any obstacles – fences, trees, trains – you never know what might stand in your way. Make it to your destination in time and you win!

#puzzle #action #funny #driving #physics

Comical Shenanigans

Usually you'd use a net for this, but couches should do the trick!

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Exciting announcement: we're skipping Steam Early Access and are fully releasing later this year 🚗🚤 🚁

Read more:…

We're not stopping at boats and cars. Still in the earliest stages, but you'll eventually have to move furniture with your HELICOPTER.

We've been working on water levels! Now all we need is a boat...

In the meantime, make sure you put that car to good use in our updated demo!

Only cowards take the corners slow.


The Radical Relocation demo has been updated! Most notably: new lighting, and the handling / speed should feel more smooth now!

Put too much weight on one side and your vehicle will start drifting automatically. Now you know what the average Joy Con feels like.

Trying to sink one 🏀

Therapist: Self-driving golf cart isn't real, it can't hurt you.

Self-driving golf cart: